Building financial resilience, reducing vulnerability, and promoting positive relationships takes awareness of our own triggers, reactions and choices. This workshop will give you insights and understanding of accountability and responsibility to self and others. Including enabling individuals to understand how they make decisions to embed financial discipline and introducing the idea of transforming feelings and relationship with money to be more connected to mind and wellbeing.

A Healthy Money Mind

Stress has increased exponentially in all aspects of life and is impacting and affecting both personal lives and the workplace. Understanding how stress affects your brain and your ability to function allows for better coping and resilience tools. Find out how language and communication is integral to both coping skills and inter-personal relationships and gain the skills to improve these aspects of your life.

Mind the Stress!

Change is never easy, and everyone responds in different ways. Whether dealing with life events (including health concerns) or workplace changes, there are those who thrive and those who have find themselves feeling anxious and stressed. How are you and your teams coping? What strategies are you using to cope with change and uncertainty? This session is planned to provide practical coping skills as well as strategies to understand changes and challenges.

Coping with Change

Team & Self Care - Watch Out for your Wellbeing!

Mental health awareness needs to be part of culture change in organisations.  What are you and your employees doing to watch out for each other and yourself?  We all have a responsibility to be aware of mental health triggers and feel able to respond appropriately.  Get an overview of mental health, resilience and wellbeing awareness plus tips and tools for all employees.

Managing Suicidal Conversations

Hearing somebody distressed and considering suicide is an extremely difficult situation. The more information and knowledge you have on how to support someone in this crisis, the more confident you will feel to handle this situation. Learn about signs, responses and self-care.

Keep Calm - Work It Out!

How to achieve work/life balance in today's society. Understanding our own needs and those around us arms us with the ability to cope in a more productive way. Understand, manage and reduce stress both within and around you with practical, useful tips and tools. Develop resilience to aid your own, and others’ wellbeing!

Wellbeing Check-Up... 4U!


How are you feeling and coping? Self-awareness is key to coping with stress and finding joy in your life. Relationships and emotional awareness are key to finding your energy, sense of purpose and balance in life.  A session to check in with you and your wellbeing. Go home with some renewed energy and practical ideas for work/life balance. You are the most important person in your life.

Dare To Be You!

Self-esteem - What is it exactly? How to be independent, confident and caring. Create trust and respect with others and become a strong member of a team. How you feel affects you in every aspect of your life. With today's society, it's more important than ever for you to feel in charge of your life and choices.  Help yourself before you are able to help others.

Communication skills are the basis of any relationship at work or privately. The impact of words can be immense.  Understand how and why the language you use affects your relationship with everyone. Talk so people around you listen and listen so people talk to you!

Gift of the Gab/Silence
Is Golden!   

All 4 One - One 4 All?

Love life or change it. What are our choices today? Creating or maintaining healthy relationships around you can be challenging but it can be done. What are values and beliefs and can there be more than one set in a family or workspace?  How do they influence how you behave?  Work to optimise these relationships and  your emotional awareness.

FAMILY FOCUS: Parenting/Adolescent Topics

Parenting Matters

75% of the UK workforce are parents. This, coupled with hybrid working conditions, means that there is no longer an easy demarcation between home and work life. Focusing on supporting working parents aids their wellbeing and care. Parenting support allows employees to bring their best selves to work and feel valued as employees and parents in the organisation.

Parenting the Sensitive Stuff!  

Are you battling to know how to talk to your child about sensitive issues like sex; relationships; drugs and grief?  Or do you need to know how to help them navigate changes in themselves or others?  This workshop is packed with communication, listening and relationship tips to give you the skills you need to help them!!

Flow Into the Future!

Embrace our children's generation by being involved in their online lives. Screen time, online behaviour; do’s and don’ts. Awareness can be a matter of life or death! Do you know the latest social media apps, the games? Understanding the developmental impact on our kids is also vital.

Teen Talk... (Pre-Teen!!)!

Are you the parent of a teen (or a wannabe teen), or are you working with teenagers?  What are the current causes for concern and what tools and skills do you need to support the teen in your life? We will help you navigate this minefield.

Strict, Slack or Smack
in the Middle?

What are boundaries and how do we enforce them? Why are they important to the whole family? What is your parenting style? Discover strategies and ideas that brings your family together. Be the parent your children need you to be. It's not just what you say - it's how you say it!

We are looking at the Dad’s role in the family. The influence a father has is immense and our children need both parents equally. What is important to be aware of? What is the difference between being a Mum or a Dad? What are the expectations from both society and yourself?

Who’s the Daddy??

If you have children under 10 it’s such an important time to get as much information and knowledge as possible. There are so many key stages and core values that your child needs. Join us to gain tips, skills and tools to be the best parent you can be as you guide your child through their early years. Suitable for parents with children aged 0 - 10 years.

Early Years…


Female health awareness!

Menopause Matters!

75% of women will experience troubling symptoms during menopause.  We all have a responsibility to support, understand these changes – from partners, family, work colleagues and women themselves.  We provide practical, helpful solutions!